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December Safety Tip: PTO Button

Occupational Health & Safety Committee
December Safely Tip: PTO Button
This message is brought to you from your Health & Safety Committee to remind you to stay safe as the busy holiday season approaches.


Brothers and Sisters of Component 5,

This month's safety tip is focussed on staying safe in the event of a robbery. Here are a few things you can do to help keep yourself safe:

  • Follow protocols to ensure your safety in the event of a robbery; in particular, review deployment of the PTO (Panic Till Open) button on the till.
  • Every worker should be aware of the location of the PTO button and how to use it. If you are not sure, please ask your Safety Committee members for a review.
  • Test the PTO button on a regular basis to ensure it is working properly, and that everyone is aware of it and knows how to use it in the event of a robbery.
  • Always "Know Your Space" and be aware of who is entering and inside your store.
  • Drop money into the cash box and keep cash levels low.
  • Additional information on robbery safety can be obtained by reviewing the Hard Target DVD which is available from your Occupational Health & Safety Committee representatives in your store.

On behalf of your Component 5 Occupational Health & Safety Committee, we hope that you look out for each other, stay safe, and have a happy holiday season!


In solidarity,

Kimberlee MacGregor
Kusam Doal
Ana Treijis
Christina Younie